ApexSQL DBA tools vs. alternatives comparison

This blog post represents an index of pages and articles comparing ApexSQL tools for SQL Server DBAs, their features, usability, performance, etc. with related tools developed by other vendors and in general.

Comparison matrices by product

Advantages vs. competition

General advantages by product

Specific feature advantages


June 16, 2016

ApexSQL Developer tools vs. alternatives comparison

This blog post represents an index of pages and articles comparing ApexSQL tools for SQL Server Database Developers, their features, usability, performance, etc. with related tools developed by other vendors and in general.

June 16, 2016

Kilo team update: ApexSQL Script

What have you been working on?

We have been working on implementing support for Azure SQL Database V12 and SQL Server 2016, adding a new “Save as batch” feature, fixing bugs, improving CLI, and improving usability and quality of ApexSQL Script.

June 14, 2016

ApexSQL Audit 2016 R3 – Product update alert

ApexSQL Audit 2016 R3 has been released

Type: Minor fix release

About ApexSQL Audit: ApexSQL Audit is a SQL Server auditing tool with a wide range of features for auditing access, changes, and security on SQL Server instances, databases, and objects. It audits queries, DDL and DML operations, security events (authentication changes, permissions changes, and attempted logins), events on stored procedures and functions. ApexSQL Audit saves captured information in a centralized auditing repository and provides comprehensive reports.

June 13, 2016