ApexSQL Data Diff 2012 vs. RedGate® SQL Data Compare 10 performance comparison

Performance is a critical factor for our customers. Therefore we run performance tests as a part of our ongoing performance improvement efforts. Our SQL Server data comparison tool ApexSQL Data Diff 2012 was performance tested against RedGate® SQL Data Compare 10. The same tests were run with both applications in the same test environment

Performance testing and results

Performance tests were executed in the following areas:

  • Data comparison

    We have measured the time needed for data comparison in SQL databases with 100% identical structure and 100%, 90%, 50% and 10% identical data

  • HDD usage

    The size of the temporary folder created during the comparison process

  • Synchronization script creation time

    We have measured the time needed for creating the synchronization scripts

We’ve used 35 data types and their variants in 200 objects and over a 10 million records

Comparison time for this test was measured from the moment the comparison process began until the main grid was populated and all objects displayed. The average from three measurements of the time needed for comparison of two databases:

Data comparison time (seconds)

Test data ApexSQL Data Diff RedGate® SQL Data Compare Faster by
100% identical 1,769 3,373 91%
90% identical 1,566 3,624 131%
50% identical 1,949 4,293 120%
10% identical 2,290 5,793 153%

The temporary folder created during the comparison (MB)

Test data ApexSQL Data Diff RedGate® SQL Data Compare ApexSQL Adventage
100% identical 6,011 10,470 74%
90% identical 6,610 11,648 76%
50% identical 9,028 15,211 68%
10% identical 11,397 18,981 67%

Synchronization script creation time (seconds)

Test data ApexSQL Data Diff RedGate® SQL Data Compare Faster by
90% identical 193 281 46%
50% identical 1,301 1,937 49%
10% identical 2,576 4,231 64%

All tests were done on a local PC. No concurrent sessions or applications were running. SQL Server was installed on the local machine. Therefore, no network traffic affected the performance tests

System specification:

Windows 8 Pro x64
SQL Server 2012
CPU: Intel E8200
HDD: 2TB ST2000DM001-9YN164 ATA
Database size: 8385 MB

Data types used are: Varchar, Varchar(MAX), int, BigInt, Binary, Bit, Char, DateTime, Decimal, Float, Money, NChar, NText, Numeric, NVarChar, Real, SmallDateTime, SmallInt, SmallMoney, SqlVariant, SysName, Text, TinyInt, UniqueIdentifier, VarBinary, Date, DateTime2, DateTimeOffset, Geography, Geometry, HierarchyId, Time, Xml, Image, Table and BLOB

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September 12, 2013