ApexSQL DBA tools vs. alternatives comparison

This blog post represents an index of pages and articles comparing ApexSQL tools for SQL Server DBAs, their features, usability, performance, etc. with related tools developed by other vendors and in general.

Comparison matrices by product

Advantages vs. competition

General advantages by product

Specific feature advantages


June 16, 2016

Golf team update: ApexSQL Monitor – Update 2

What have you been working on?

We have recently released ApexSQL Monitor 2016 R1 which has many new features like Failover cluster support, Blocking queries, Query waits alerting, Helpful tips and improvements like new redesigned charts and improved Server overview screen. Click here to find more about these features and improvements.

February 12, 2016

ApexSQL Monitor vs the competition: Comparison matrix

We have just posted a new comparison matrix of ApexSQL Monitor vs other SQL Server performance monitoring tools, highlighting comparative feature sets. Click here to see the matrix

ApexSQL Monitor is a very new entrant to this crowded field, but with the 2016 release, we’ve made a major step closer to feature parity with some large enterprise products that have been around much longer. For several features, ApexSQL Monitor offers the feature when one of more of these other tools don’t.

January 27, 2016

What’s new in ApexSQL Monitor 2016

In the new version of ApexSQL Monitor, 2016 R1 we added eleven new features and improvements

SQL Server 2016 CTP3 support

ApexSQL Monitor 2016 R1 fully supports SQL Server 2016 CTP3 which can be monitored and used for hosting the central repository database.

December 30, 2015

ApexSQL Monitor 2016 – Product update alert

ApexSQL Monitor 2016 has been released

Type: Major feature, major fix release

About ApexSQL Monitor: ApexSQL Monitor is a Windows and SQL Server monitoring tool with a wide range of monitored metrics. It tracks Windows, SQL Server instance, and database metrics on multiple local and remote machines and SQL Server instances. It monitors the most important SQL Server statistics, memory, buffer, and page metrics – batch requests per second, user connections, target and total server memory, buffer cache hit ratio, batch requests, page life expectancy, page reads and writes per second, and more. ApexSQL Monitor also tracks SQL Server wait statistics including the individual queries wait statistics. Monitoring these metrics enables you to identify and troubleshoot performance problems, establish trends, and set baselines.

December 29, 2015

Golf team update: ApexSQL Monitor – Update 1

What have you been working on?

We have been adding new features for ApexSQL Monitor R4 and working on performance and usability improvements

We have also been redesigning the UI in order to improve performance and usability and we are adding support for failover clusters and the ability to monitor SQL Server instance using different Windows credentials

July 17, 2015

What’s new in ApexSQL Monitor 2015 R3

We have been working on bug fixes, performance and usability improvements. Also, we have introduced some new features such as different chart’s time range intervals, along with a built-in Query execution plan viewer, Reporting, ability to define users and their privileges and support for SQL Server AlwaysOn availability groups

June 24, 2015

ApexSQL Monitor 2015 R3 – Product update alert

ApexSQL Monitor 2015 R3 has been released

Type: Medium features, medium fix release

About ApexSQL Monitor: ApexSQL Monitor is a Windows and SQL Server monitoring tool with a wide range of monitored metrics. It tracks Windows, SQL Server instance, and database metrics on multiple local and remote machines and SQL Server instances. It monitors the most important SQL Server statistics, memory, buffer, and page metrics – batch requests per second, user connections, target and total server memory, buffer cache hit ratio, batch requests, page life expectancy, page reads and writes per second, and more. ApexSQL Monitor also tracks SQL Server wait statistics including the individual queries wait statistics. Monitoring these metrics enables you to identify and troubleshoot performance problems, establish trends, and set baselines.

June 24, 2015