Bravo team update: ApexSQL Clean, ApexSQL Doc, ApexSQL Monitor and ApexSQL Trigger

What have you been working on?

  • We have released ApexSQL Doc 2015 R3 maintenance version
  • We have released ApexSQL Trigger 2014 R3 maintenance version
  • We have integrated Query execution plan viewer into ApexSQL Monitor 2015 R3
  • We are currently working on ApexSQL Trigger 2015 version – a tool that seamlessly integrate trigger based audit trails and reporting into your client applications

What is the ETA to production?

  • ApexSQL Doc 2015 R3 is released. See the latest release notes here
  • ApexSQL Trigger 2014 R3 is released. See the latest release notes here
  • ApexSQL Monitor 2015 R3 is planned for release in June 2015. See the What’s next page here
  • ApexSQL Trigger 2015 is planned for release in June 2015. See the What’s next page here

What is included in new releases?

  • For ApexSQL Doc 2015 R3 we have been working on bug fixes, improving usability and general quality. We fixed 29 bugs for this release
  • ApexSQL Trigger 2014 R3 now supports Azure SQL Database V12. We have been working on usability improvement and improved quality. We fixed 36 bugs for this release

What is planned in future releases and what are ETAs?

  • We are introducing a new feature in ApexSQL Trigger 2015 – including the possibility to audit DDL changes. Users will be able to track DDL changes on audited database, collect data and generate reports in the similar manner they are currently tracking DML changes. ETA for this release is June
  • ApexSQL Monitor 2015 R4 will have the ability to show execution history of a single query. Users will be able to see complete wait activities across all executions of the single query on the server being monitored, for the selected time range. This will provide the possibility to more easily isolate the problematic queries and detect high waits within the query execution. ETA is Q3. Please see What’s next and the ApexSQL Monitor product roadmap for more info
  • For ApexSQL Clean 2014 R4 we plan support for all Azure SQL Database V12 features. ETA is Q3. See the What’s next page here
  • For ApexSQL Doc 2015 R4 we plan support for all Azure SQL Database V12 features. ETA is Q3. See the What’s next page here
  • For ApexSQL Trigger 2015 R2 we plan support for all Azure SQL Database V12 features. ETA is Q3. See the What’s next page here

If you have any issues or suggestions on your mind, feel free to contact our support and send us your feedback. That will help us to make better tools for you

June 2, 2015