ApexSQL Profile 2012 – Product update alert

ApexSQL Profile 2012 has been released

Type: New product

About ApexSQL Profile: ApexSQL Profile is a SQL Server Management Studio add-in which allows performance profiling of stored procedures and user defined functions. It tracks SQL code performance at the line level and generates comprehensive reports containing statement execution times, variable and parameter changes and more. For more information visit the ApexSQL Profile product page

About this release:

  • Allows performance profiling of stored procedures and user defined functions
  • Identifies SQL code performance at the line level
  • Displays variable and parameter changes
  • Allows custom parameter values
  • Generates comprehensive profiling reports exportable to Microsoft Excel and PDF
  • Supports profiling of encrypted objects
  • Supports SQL Server 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005

Ready to try it?

Download it here

See also:

Release notes

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March 26, 2012