ApexSQL Refactor 2016 R2 – Formatting option change impact analysis improvements

SQL code formatting impact preview has been updated with some new features. Users now have a clearer insight and more accurate view of the impact of any formatting option changes.

The following images represent some of the examples before and after implementing a new code formatting impact preview.


The changes that occur after code formatting are very bad and inaccurately shown.


In the new version, these problems are resolved. New impact preview offers better view of all changes caused by code formatting.

The color highlighting indicates not just blocks of space, but individual tabs, spaces, character changes.


In this version some superfluous highlighting was included where it shouldn’t have been when the option “Add border above block comments using *” is changed.


In this version, the highlighting correctly indicates the changes only without the false positives.

The improved impact preview shows the impact of removing empty lines much clearer when the option “Insert empty lines before each statement” is toggled off.

Old (before lines are removed)

Old (after lines are removed)

New (after lines are removed)

The new version also addresses a problem with displaying different code position editor before and after code formatting in preview code.


In older versions, when code formatting change number of lines in code (e.g. remove empty lines or place parts of the code on new lines), code in the preview editor would show different part of the code (it would be scrolled up or down) because the old editor wasn`t following applies changes in code after code formatting.

Before After


In the new version, visible code in the preview editor remains intact and clearly shows where lines were removed or added.

Before After


February 11, 2016