Help keep our FREE SQL tools FREE

ApexSQL offers the largest collection of 100% free SQL developer tools in the universe. But we need your help in keeping these tools free

FREE tools aren’t free to design, develop, test, document, or host. And since we offer full support for our free tools, we even have recurring costs for product support. Also, since our free tools are under active development, our developer costs continue monthly

So to keep these tools free, we need your help. Here are some things you could do to keep this party going …

Free tool Volunteer

  1. Tweet about ApexSQL FREE SQL tools. We can even host your testimonial on our website
  2. Write a post on your blog about our tools. If you send us the link, we’ll post it on our product page
  3. Send a testimonial along with name, position/title, company to If we accept it, we’ll post it on our product page
  4. Send us feedback (bugs, defects, issues, performance problems etc) to early and often. In some cases, we’ll fix defects as quickly as 72 hours and send them to you as an internal patch and/or post them on the Bleeding edge
  5. Help us beta test pre-releases. Contact us to get on our pre-release test list
  6. Refer our free tools to friends, co-workers, community members etc
  7. Nominate and/or vote for ApexSQL tools for any product awards. Example Best Free SQL Formatter Tools

Free tool Hero

  1. Write a SQL snippet for us for ApexSQL Complete and send to
  2. Write a KB, How to article for our knowledgebase to help users with a particular feature
  3. Create a video on an ApexSQL free tool, feature and post on your blog, YouTube etc. We may add it to our product page
  4. Create a custom SQL formatting profile for ApexSQL Refactor and send it to us. We may add it to our downloads page and make it available to other users
  5. Advocate, champion our tools at your company, and encourage purchase of our non-free tools, bundles e.g. ApexSQL Developer or at least FREE competitive upgrade. As a recognized “ApexSQL free tool volunteer” or “hero” we can offer your company a discount

January 21, 2015