What’s next in ApexSQL Monitor R3

ApexSQL Monitor 2014 R3
ApexSQL Monitor 2014 R3 is the next planned release of our SQL Server monitoring tool. While it will be faster, more reliable and user friendly than the current version, the major improvements in R3 will be additional features including new metrics, email alerting, server grouping, reports, and a customizable layout.

Additional metrics
R3 will monitor an additional set of system, SQL Server and database metrics that will allow users to have a deeper insight into SQL Server performance.

Email alerting
R2 allows automatic alerting when a threshold value is reached. ApexSQL Monitor 2014 R3, will provide email warnings when an alert is raised. Multiple email accounts are possible and the frequency of alerts can be customized.

Alert actions
For each metric users will be able to define different alert actions. When the criteria of an alert rule is met, an email can be sent, SQL scripts executed, or a program can be started.

Server grouping
Grouping servers with similar properties allows displaying an overview of the servers in the group, filtering alerts by the group, and configuring alert or measurements settings for all servers in the same group at once.

Customized tabs
Custom tabs will contain only the charts they find the most important and arranged in a way that users prefer the most.
Additionally, users will be able to arrange and size the charts in built-in tabs by simply dragging and dropping.

Maintenance periods alerting
In R2, the maintenance period completely stops monitoring selected instances for a specified period of time. In R3 users will be allowed to disable only certain alerting functionality without interrupting the monitoring of SQL Servers under maintenance.

Performance improvements
Even though ApexSQL Monitor performance has been significantly improved in the last release, it will be improved even more in the upcoming release.

We want your feedback
Please email us at support@apexsql.com or post on our support forum any issues, problems, feature requests, or comments you may have.

September 24, 2014