ApexSQL’s Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features


Below is an overview of what SQL Server 2008 new features are supported by ApexSQL’s 2008 line of tools

New Data Types:

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support:

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type
Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table
– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows
Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects
– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Enhancements in indexes:

– Spatial Indexes – allowing you to index a spatial column of geography or geometry data types
– Relational (filtered) Indexes – optimized non-clustered indexes specially developed to allow working with queries from a well-defined subset of data using a filter predicate

Enhancements in column properties:

– Sparse columns – ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values
– XML COLUMN_SET – a column of this type is only materialized when selected, and will return you all the non-NULL sparse columns in a row as an XML BLOB
– FILESTREAM varbinary (max) – the new way of storing BLOB data allowing you to store the data in the file system. Unlike columns defined with FILESTREAM attribute the ordinary varbinary(max) columns store their data in the tables.

Enhancements in procedure parameters and user-defined types:

– User defined table type – allows you to define special types having table definition. Variables of such types can be used to store a result set for processing at a later time and passed as procedure parameters or used within the procedure bodies directly
– Read-only parameters – indicates that the parameter cannot be updated or modified within the body of the procedure

Data compression in tables, indexed views, indexes and constraints:

– Data (Row and Page) Compression – allows you to compress whole tables, indexed views, indexes, primary key and unique constraints; can be configured for a whole table, indexed view and non-clustered index and for each partition in case of partitioned indexes or tables. ROW compression means storing fixed length data in variable length storage format and PAGE compression means minimizing the data redundancy

Change Tracking and Change Data capture:

– Change Tracking – built-in server’s ability that allows you to answer the following questions: “What rows have changed for a user table?” and “Has a row changed?”
– Change Data capture – this new SQL Server feature provides historical change information for a user table by capturing both the fact that DML changes were made and the actual data that was changed. Changes are captured by using an asynchronous process that reads the transaction log and has a low impact on the system

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Doc

New Data Types: objects using these types are fully supported for documenting; this also includes support of user-defined data types based on these types

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support:

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type
Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table
– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows
Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects
– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Enhancements in indexes: all the new index properties show up in the documentation and TOC seamlessly to ordinary indexes

– Spatial Indexes – allowing you to index a spatial column of geography or geometry data types. The index documentation template now contains a new index property indicating if the index is spatial
– Relational (filtered) Indexes – optimized non-clustered indexes specially developed to allow working with queries from a well-defined subset of data using a filter predicate. In additional to the new spatial property the index property table now displays the filter condition of a relational index and indicates if an index has filter

Enhancements in column properties: tables with such columns are fully supported for documenting and new column attributes show up in the DDL section of the documentation without limitations

– Sparse columns – ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values
– XML COLUMN_SET – a column of this type is only materialized when selected, and will return you all the non-NULL sparse columns in a row as an XML BLOB
– FILESTREAM varbinary (max) – the new way of storing BLOB data allowing you to store the data in the file system. Unlike columns defined with FILESTREAM attribute the ordinary varbinary(max) columns store their data in the tables. The table and index documentation templates were specially redesigned to indicate FILESTREAM file group and partition scheme in the table or index properties
Note: The only limitation is that FILESTREAM filegroups aren’t documented and thus tables with FILESTREAM columns aren’t grouped in the TOC

Enhancements in procedure parameters and user-defined types: all new enhancements are fully supported
– User defined table type – allows you to define special types having table definition. Variables of such types can be used to store a result set for processing at a later time and passed as procedure parameters or used within the procedure bodies directly. The user-defined type documentation template was specially updated to indicate if UDT is a table type; procedures with parameters of such types and variables of table types inside their bodies are documented seamlessly to the ordinary ones
– Readonly parameters – indicates that the parameter cannot be updated or modified within the body of the procedure. The procedure documentation template was redesigned to display this attribute right next to the procedure parameters indicating if a parameter is READONLY. This attribute also shows up in the DDL section of a procedure

Data compression in tables, indexed views, indexes and constraints: the new object attributes are fully supported for documenting and show up in the DDL section of the respective objects
– Data (Row and Page) Compression – allows you to compress whole tables, indexed views, indexes, primary key and unique constraints; can be configured for a whole table, indexed view and non-clustered index and for each partition in case of partitioned indexes or tables. ROW compression means storing fixed length data in variable length storage format and PAGE compression means minimizing the data redundancy

Change Tracking and Change Data capture: both features are fully supported by the application
– Change Tracking – built-in server’s ability that allows you to answer the following questions: “What rows have changed for a user table?” and “Has a row changed?” The table documentation template was redesigned to indicate if Change Tracking feature is enabled for a table; enabling or disabling of this feature shows up in the DDL section of your tables
– Change Data capture – this new SQL Server feature provides historical change information for a user table by capturing both the fact that DML changes were made and the actual data that was changed. Changes are captured by using an asynchronous process that reads the transaction log and has a low impact on the system. All system procedures of this feature can be documented along with SQL Server Agent jobs for capturing and cleaning up data in a database

SSIS 2008: the application fully supports documenting of packages of SQL Server Integration Services 2008; they are documented seamlessly to SQL Server 2005 ones without limitations

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Log

New Data Types: fully supported for auditing, undoing and redoing of DML operations and exporting DDL feature

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support:

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type

Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table

– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows

Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects

– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Recover

New Data Types: fully supported in all operations for lost data recovery such as recovery from delete, truncate and drop operations and so forth…

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support:

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type

Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table

– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows

Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects

– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Edit

New Data Types: fully supported for loading, processing and scripting with the respective parent objects as a part of their DDL. User-defined types based on these types are also fully supported and loaded into the Schema Explorer

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support:

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type

Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table

– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows

Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects>

– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Enhancements in indexes: indexes with the new attributes are supported seamlessly to the ordinary indexes; they are displayed in the Schema Explorer and can be scripted without limitations as a part of DDL script of the parent objects or separately via the Schema Explorer

– Spatial Indexes – allowing you to index a spatial column of geography or geometry data types
– Relational (filtered) Indexes – optimized non-clustered indexes specially developed to allow working with queries from a well-defined subset of data using a filter predicate

Enhancements in column properties: all new column properties are loaded from your database and can be fully scripted into the Query Editor as a part of the DDL of their parent objects

– Sparse columns – ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values
– XML COLUMN_SET – a column of this type is only materialized when selected, and will return you all the non-NULL sparse columns in a row as an XML BLOB
– FILESTREAM varbinary (max) – the new way of storing BLOB data allowing you to store the data in the file system.

Unlike columns defined with FILESTREAM attribute the ordinary varbinary(max) columns store their data in the tables

Enhancements in procedure parameters and user-defined types: user-defined table types have limited support in the application

– User defined table type – allows you to define special types having table definition. Variables of such types can be used to store a result set for processing at a later time and passed as procedure parameters or used within the procedure bodies directly. You can create such types via the Query Editor or use procedure variables of table types in your queries if you know they exist in your database

Note: Such user-defined types aren’t displayed in the Schema Explorer and thus could not be scripted directly

– Readonly parameters – indicates that the parameter cannot be updated or modified within the body of the procedure. Such parameters can be scripted into the Query Editor without limitations along with procedure DDL’s

Data compression in tables, indexed views, indexes and constraints: all new data compression attributes are loaded from your database and can be scripted as a part of DDL of the parent objects

– Data (Row and Page) Compression – allows you to compress whole tables, indexed views, indexes, primary key and unique constraints; can be configured for a whole table, indexed view and non-clustered index and for each partition in case of partitioned indexes or tables. ROW compression means storing fixed length data in variable length storage format and PAGE compression means minimizing the data redundancy

Change Tracking and Change Data capture: this features has limited support; for example, the CHANGE_TRACKING attribute doesn’t get scripted along with a parent table definition, but you can still manage both features directly in the Query Editor that allows you to enable or disable CHANGE_TRACKING on a table or use Change Data Capture procedures calls without limitations

– Change Tracking – built-in server’s ability that allows you to answer the following questions: “What rows have changed for a user table?” and “Has a row changed?”
– Change Data capture – this new SQL Server feature provides historical change information for a user table by capturing both the fact that DML changes were made and the actual data that was changed. Changes are captured by using an asynchronous process that reads the transaction log and has a low impact on the system

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Enforce

New Data Types: objects using these types are fully supported for processing (creating both condition and fix script parts); this also includes support of user-defined data types based on these types

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support:

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type

Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table- Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows

Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects

– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Enhancements in indexes: all the new index properties can be validated in your rules

– Spatial Indexes – allowing you to index a spatial column of geography or geometry data types. The Object Model was extended with the index property SpatialIndexType that allows you to define the type of the index (geography or geometry)
– Relational (filtered) Indexes – optimized non-clustered indexes specially developed to allow working with queries from a well-defined subset of data using a filter predicate. Enforce Object Model now has new index properties for indicating if an index has filter condition (HasFilter) and the filter condition property itself (FilterDefinition) for the further validation in a rule

Enhancements in column properties: all enhancements were ported to Enforce Object Model and are available in the rule condition

– Sparse columns – ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values. Column object now has IsSparse property indicating if a column is SPARSE
– XML COLUMN_SET – a column of this type is only materialized when selected, and will return you all the non-NULL sparse columns in a row as an XML BLOB. Column object was also extended with IsColumnSet property indicating if a column is XML COLUMN_SET
– FILESTREAM varbinary (max) – the new way of storing BLOB data allowing you to store the data in the file system. Unlike columns defined with FILESTREAM attribute the ordinary varbinary(max) columns store their data in the tables. Table object now has special properties returning FILESTREAM file group (FileStreamFileGroup) and FILESTREAM partition scheme (FileStreamPartitionScheme) for the further validation

Enhancements in procedure parameters and user-defined types: READONLY parameters has limited support

– User defined table type – allows you to define special types having table definition. Variables of such types can be used to store a result set for processing at a later time and passed as procedure parameters or used within the procedure bodies directly. The Rulebase Explorer was extended to display User-Defined Table Type node having its own context menu. Object model was enhanced with the new object type (UserDefineTableType) treating it differently from ordinary user-defined types and porting in there all properties and attributes of table types for validation in your rules. Such rules can be executed separately from the other user-defined type rules
– Readonly parameters – indicates that the parameter cannot be updated or modified within the body of the procedure.

Note: Such parameters will be treated as an ordinary ones without possibility to validate if a parameter is READONLY

Data compression in tables, indexed views, indexes and constraints: data compression has limited by the Object Model; you are allowed validating only one property of a respective object HasCompressedPartitions indicating whether an object has compressed partitions without possibility to determine ROW or PAGE compression type

– Data (Row and Page) Compression – allows you to compress whole tables, indexed views, indexes, primary key and unique constraints; can be configured for a whole table, indexed view and non-clustered index and for each partition in case of partitioned indexes or tables. ROW compression means storing fixed length data in variable length storage format and PAGE compression means minimizing the data redundancy

Change Tracking and Change Data capture: Change Tracking feature is fully supported by the Object Model; Change Data Capture feature can be analyzed without limitations from the code of validation rules (it can also be used in the FixSQL string), however it has no explicit support in the Object Model

– Change Tracking – built-in server’s ability that allows you to answer the following questions: “What rows have changed for a user table?” and “Has a row changed?” Enforce Object Model was enhanced with the ChangeTrackingEnabled property of Table object indicating if CHANGE_TRACKING feature is enabled for a table
– Change Data capture – this new SQL Server feature provides historical change information for a user table by capturing both the fact that DML changes were made and the actual data that was changed. Changes are captured by using an asynchronous process that reads the transaction log and has a low impact on the system

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Code

New Data Types: objects with new datatypes are fully supported and can be processed within the templates without limitations; Datatype Mapping page of the Options dialog was extended reflecting new data types. HierarchyId and Spatial data types have limited support

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support:

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type

Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table

– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows

Note: Columns of such a type are treated as columns of user-defined types and thus IsUserDefinedDatatype property for such columns is True

Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects

– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Note: Columns of such types are treated as columns of user-defined types and thus IsUserDefinedDatatype property for such columns is True

Change Tracking and Change Data capture: both features doesn’t have corresponding properties in the Code Object Model but they can be processed in the templates without limitations

– Change Tracking – built-in server’s ability that allows you to answer the following questions: “What rows have changed for a user table?” and “Has a row changed?” Enforce Object Model was enhanced with the ChangeTrackingEnabled property of Table object indicating if CHANGE_TRACKING feature is enabled for a table
– Change Data capture – this new SQL Server feature provides historical change information for a user table by capturing both the fact that DML changes were made and the actual data that was changed. Changes are captured by using an asynchronous process that reads the transaction log and has a low impact on the system

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Clean

New Data Types: all new data types are fully supported and references to columns or parameters of these types as well as user-defined types based on them are tracked without limitations

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type

Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table

– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows

Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects

– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Enhancements in indexes: objects having such indexes are fully supported, can be loaded and analyzed for dependencies

– Spatial Indexes – allowing you to index a spatial column of geography or geometry data types
– Relational (filtered) Indexes – optimized non-clustered indexes specially developed to allow working with queries from a well-defined subset of data using a filter predicate

Enhancements in column properties: objects having or referencing such columns are supported and processed by the application without problems. All dependencies to such columns are tracked seamlessly to ordinary columns

– Sparse columns – ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values
– XML COLUMN_SET – a column of this type is only materialized when selected, and will return you all the non-NULL sparse columns in a row as an XML BLOB
– FILESTREAM varbinary (max) – the new way of storing BLOB data allowing you to store the data in the file system. Unlike columns defined with FILESTREAM attribute the ordinary varbinary(max) columns store their data in the tables.

Enhancements in procedure parameters and user-defined types: user-defined table types are treated seamlessly to ordinary user-defined types; they are loaded and analyzed by the application and participate in all dependency reports

– User defined table type – allows you to define special types having table definition. Variables of such types can be used to store a result set for processing at a later time and passed as procedure parameters or used within the procedure bodies directly

Data compression in tables, indexed views, indexes and constraints: the product works with compressed objects as well as uncompressed once; there will be no any differences in their analysis

– Data (Row and Page) Compression – allows you to compress whole tables, indexed views, indexes, primary key and unique constraints; can be configured for a whole table, indexed view and non-clustered index and for each partition in case of partitioned indexes or tables. ROW compression means storing fixed length data in variable length storage format and PAGE compression means minimizing the data redundancy

Change Tracking and Change Data capture: the application easily tracks dependencies to objects referenced via these features: for example, if you enable or disable CHANGE_TRACKING on a table from within a procedure or seamlessly use Change Data Capture system procedures calls from within your procedures. All such dependencies will be analyzed and taken into account by the product

– Change Tracking – built-in server’s ability that allows you to answer the following questions: “What rows have changed for a user table?” and “Has a row changed?”
– Change Data capture – this new SQL Server feature provides historical change information for a user table by capturing both the fact that DML changes were made and the actual data that was changed. Changes are captured by using an asynchronous process that reads the transaction log and has a low impact on the system

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Diff

New Data Types: all new datatypes are fully supported and objects using the ones can be compared and synchronized without limitations

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support. The application can track and synchronize differences in the datatypes scale where it’s applicable, for example, time(5) against time(7):

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type

Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table

– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows

Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects

– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Enhancements in indexes: all new properties of the indexes are fully comparable and can be synchronized without limitations as parts of their parent objects

– Spatial Indexes – allowing you to index a spatial column of geography or geometry data types
– Relational (filtered) Indexes – optimized non-clustered indexes specially developed to allow working with queries from a well-defined subset of data using a filter predicate

Enhancements in column properties: the application can track differences in all new column attributes, for example, SPARSE NULL against NULL; all of them are fully supported and can be synchronized in either direction along with parent objects
– Sparse columns – ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values
– XML COLUMN_SET – a column of this type is only materialized when selected, and will return you all the non-NULL sparse columns in a row as an XML BLOB
– FILESTREAM varbinary (max) – the new way of storing BLOB data allowing you to store the data in the file system. Unlike columns defined with FILESTREAM attribute the ordinary varbinary(max) columns store their data in the tables.

Enhancements in procedure parameters and user-defined types: all the enhancements are fully supported and processed by the product

– User defined table type – allows you to define special types having table definition. Variables of such types can be used to store a result set for processing at a later time and passed as procedure parameters or used within the procedure bodies directly. The application detects differences in table definitions of these types, tracks dependencies on them to any object (for example, a procedure) and is able to synchronize such types and achieve their equality
– Readonly parameters – indicates that the parameter cannot be updated or modified within the body of the procedure. The application can detect and synchronize differences in READONLY attribute seamlessly to other differences detected in the parameters

Data compression in tables, indexed views, indexes and constraints: differences in data compression can be tracked for any respective object and synchronized without limitations

– Data (Row and Page) Compression – allows you to compress whole tables, indexed views, indexes, primary key and unique constraints; can be configured for a whole table, indexed view and non-clustered index and for each partition in case of partitioned indexes or tables. ROW compression means storing fixed length data in variable length storage format and PAGE compression means minimizing the data redundancy

Change Tracking and Change Data capture: both features are fully supported; the application determines whether CHANGE_TRACKING is enabled or disabled for a table and can synchronize the detected changes making parent tables equal, also any calls to Change Data Capture procedures from within your objects are also be tracked, differences can be reported and synchronized and dependencies to a captured object can be taken into account on synchronizing with the dependencies

– Change Tracking – built-in server’s ability that allows you to answer the following questions: “What rows have changed for a user table?” and “Has a row changed?”
– Change Data capture – this new SQL Server feature provides historical change information for a user table by capturing both the fact that DML changes were made and the actual data that was changed. Changes are captured by using an asynchronous process that reads the transaction log and has a low impact on the system

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Data Diff

New Data Types: all new datatypes are fully supported; data in tables and indexed views exposing these types can be compared and synchronized without limitations

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support:

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type

Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table

– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows

Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects

– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Enhancements in column properties: the data from columns having these attributes is compared seamlessly to any other column

– Sparse columns – ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values
– XML COLUMN_SET – a column of this type is only materialized when selected, and will return you all the non-NULL sparse columns in a row as an XML BLOB. COLUMN_SET column is treated as a calculated column and as any of them can be compared but cannot be synchronized
– FILESTREAM varbinary (max) – the new way of storing BLOB data allowing you to store the data in the file system. Unlike columns defined with FILESTREAM attribute the ordinary varbinary(max) columns store their data in the tables. Such columns are treated as ordinary BLOB’s and the data from them get compared and synchronized the same way

Data compression in tables and indexed views: differences in data of the compressed objects are detected seamlessly to uncompressed ones and also fully supported for synchronization

– Data (Row and Page) Compression – allows you to compress whole tables; can be configured for a whole table and/or indexed view for each partition in case of tables. ROW compression means storing fixed length data in variable length storage format and PAGE compression means minimizing the data redundancy

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Trigger

New Data Types: all new datatypes are fully supported; data in tables exposing these types can be audited and undone without limitations

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support:

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type

Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table

– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows

Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects

– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Enhancements in column properties: the data from columns having these attributes is audited seamlessly to any other column

– Sparse columns – ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values
– FILESTREAM varbinary (max) – the new way of storing BLOB data allowing you to store the data in the file system. Unlike columns defined with FILESTREAM attribute the ordinary varbinary(max) columns store their data in the tables. Such columns are treated as ordinary BLOB’s and the data from them get audited and undone the same way

Data compression in tables: auditing of data of the compressed objects is done seamlessly to uncompressed ones; such data is also fully supported for undoing

– Data (Row and Page) Compression – allows you to compress whole tables; can be configured for a whole table and/or indexed view for each partition in case of tables. ROW compression means storing fixed length data in variable length storage format and PAGE compression means minimizing the data redundancy

Support for SQL Server 2008 New Features in ApexSQL Script

New Data Types: all new datatypes are fully supported and objects using the ones can be scripted without limitations

Date and Time – simplifying your work with date and time data, providing increased date range, fractional seconds precision, and time zone support. The application can track and synchronize differences in the datatypes scale where it’s applicable, for example, time(5) against time(7):

– Date – defines a date within the accuracy of one day
– Time – defines a time of a day based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetimeoffset – defines a date that is combined with a time of a day that has time zone awareness and is based on a 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds
– Datetime2 – defines a date that is combined with a time of day that is based on 24-hour clock within the accuracy of 100 nanoseconds: can be considered as an extension of the existing datetime type

Hierarchy – allowing you to construct relationships among data elements within a table

– Hierarchyid – represents position in a hierarchy and sets the desired relationship between rows

Spatial – predefined CLR data types in SQL Server allowing you to represent information about the physical location and shape of geometric objects

– Geography – represents data in a round-earth coordinate system and stores ellipsoidal (round-earth) data, such as GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
– Geometry – represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system

Enhancements in indexes: all new properties of the indexes are fully scripted now without limitations as parts of their parent objects

– Spatial Indexes – allowing you to index a spatial column of geography or geometry data types
– Relational (filtered) Indexes – optimized non-clustered indexes specially developed to allow working with queries from a well-defined subset of data using a filter predicate

Enhancements in column properties: the application can script all new column attributes, all of them are fully supported

– Sparse columns – ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values
– XML COLUMN_SET – a column of this type is only materialized when selected, and will return you all the non-NULL sparse columns in a row as an XML BLOB
– FILESTREAM varbinary (max) – the new way of storing BLOB data allowing you to store the data in the file system. Unlike columns defined with FILESTREAM attribute the ordinary varbinary(max) columns store their data in the tables.

Data compression in tables, indexed views, indexes and constraints: data compression options now can be processed for any respective object without limitations

– Data (Row and Page) Compression – allows you to compress whole tables, indexed views, indexes, primary key and unique constraints; can be configured for a whole table, indexed view and non-clustered index and for each partition in case of partitioned indexes or tables. ROW compression means storing fixed length data in variable length storage format and PAGE compression means minimizing the data redundancy

Enhancements in procedure parameters and user-defined types: all the enhancements are fully supported and processed by the product

– User defined table type – allows you to define special types having table definition. Variables of such types can be used to store a result set for processing at a later time and passed as procedure parameters or used within the procedure bodies directly. The application detects differences in table definitions of these types, tracks dependencies on them to any object (for example, a procedure) and is able to synchronize such types and achieve their equality
– Readonly parameters – indicates that the parameter cannot be updated or modified within the body of the procedure. The application can detect and synchronize differences in READONLY attribute seamlessly to other differences detected in the parameters

Change Tracking and Change Data capture: both features are fully supported by the application
– Change Tracking – built-in server’s ability that allows you to answer the following questions: “What rows have changed for a user table?” and “Has a row changed?” The table documentation template was redesigned to indicate if Change Tracking feature is enabled for a table; enabling or disabling of this feature shows up in the DDL section of your tables

– Change Data capture – this new SQL Server feature provides historical change information for a user table by capturing both the fact that DML changes were made and the actual data that was changed. Changes are captured by using an asynchronous process that reads the transaction log and has a low impact on the system. All system procedures of this feature can be documented along with SQL Server Agent jobs for capturing and cleaning up data in a database

This list represents SQL 2008 support as of April 23, 2009. As new SQL 2008 features are added to our software and released, the list might no longer fully reflect the current level of SQL Server 2008 support at dates after Dec 17th, 2009. If there is a particular feature not listed on this page you would like to inquire about please email support@apexsql.com directly

About ApexSQL

ApexSQL is a leading provider of SQL Server tools for database recovery, database auditing, database comparison, documentation as well as SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio add-ins for SQL code refactoring, code completion and database source control. We strive to ensure that every one of our tools is standard-defining product in its class, from feature set, to performance, interface and quality

February 17, 2009